How to assess the damage caused by carpenter bees

How to assess the damage caused by carpenter bees

Carpenter bees are an aggressive, destructive, and dangerous infestation that does not just damage your home but in-dangers your entire family. Small children are especially in danger as they tend to explore and will undoubtedly find a nest if they are on your property. Pets are also in danger as they tend to smell and lick things they discover and beneath every carpenter bee hole in wood is a mess of horrendously bad-smelling goop called Frass. Frass is a combination of bee parts, feces, and wood dust. It is sticky and disgusting and pets love to lick it. This will aggravate the bees and they will likely attack your dog, possibly in the mouth which can make eating difficult and risks the animal’s life. 

If you suspect wasp presence anywhere near or on your property, Contact Wasp Removal Oakville for quick and safe removal.

The carpenter bee is a complex creature. The females are the workers and breeders and warriors of the colony while the males are essentially breeding machines that have no other purpose afterward but to annoy people or animals that approach the nest. They cannot sting and they cannot drill holes. They cannot make bee bread either which females make to feed the larva that hatches from their eggs. The female can sting and is very aggressive and territorial. She will attack in a swarm, anyone who bothers them. The females build catacomb-like tunnels with inlets for laying eggs. The female will lay an egg on a piece of bee bread and seal up the entryway. The larval will grow into an adult bee and break out of the inlet to become a worker or a male breeder. 

If you have these nests on your property you need to act fast. You can kill them easily by painting over any raw wood on your deck but that is not the only place they tend to infest. They like any raw wood and can enter the inside of a home through weep vents, the drip edge, and behind the siding. They are insufferable and will infest any raw wood they can find. Painting and varnishing as much wood as you can hold them back but at the end of the day you will likely have to call the professionals at Wasp Control. Our trained, licensed, and insured exterminators can kill the nests in a short time and offer you a six-month warranty on the affected area. We guarantee them has gone or we will return and do the work over.