Do Skunks Hibernate

Do Skunks Hibernate in the Winter?

Skunks are medium-sized mammals that are common in Canadian suburbs. Mostly black, they can easily be identified thanks to the two white stripes that run down their backs. These stripes are a warning to humans and predators. Skunks that feel threatened will raise their legs in the air and spray their targets with a nauseating liquid known as skunk spray. The spray is so powerful that it can be smelled 5.6km away. If you’re worried about skunks, give us a call for an inspection. We provide effective skunk removal and exclusion services in Oakville.

Skunks do not hibernate in the winter, but they are far less active. To survive the cold, they burrow under rocks, fallen trees, and other structures. They also eat as much as they can in the fall to gain an extra layer of fat. This extra layer not only provides energy for when food is scarce but insulation for when it is cold. When it snows, they might stay in their dens for a few days at a time. In some cases, skunks will den under porches, decks, gazebos, sheds, crawl spaces, and other structures that are man-made. Though relatively harmless, this can become a nuisance.

Skunks do not spray very often, because it takes them about 10 days to recharge. However, the smell is extremely powerful. Letting a skunk spend the winter on your property risks having to deal with the smell. A neighbour or a dog that lives nearby could provoke the skunk to spray. Skunks may also cause damage to the garden in the springtime. Contact a local wildlife removal company as soon as you suspect that there is a skunk living on your property. The sooner in the season, the better it is for the skunk.

How do Technicians Get Rid of Skunks?

Certified technicians get rid of skunks by using a one-way door. The one-way door looks a lot like a pet door, but it only goes one-way. If a skunk is living under a shed, for example, a technician will screw a door right onto the shed’s bottom, where the skunk dug a hole underneath. The door can be secured further by digging a trench around the entire shed and screwing a mesh into its sides. Once the mesh is installed, the technician buries it. Within a few days, the skunk will push its way through the door, then find another place to den.

Skunks are adorable yet problematic pests. If there is one in your yard, give us a call. We provide effective skunk removal services that are 100% humane. Our technicians are trained and experienced in using humane methods of animal removal. We also offer comprehensive exclusion services that keep pests and wildlife out for good. We are so sure of our exclusion that it comes with a warranty of 2 years. Call us today if you have any questions.